
Welcome! We appreciate your interest in contributing to appfl. You can contribute to the package either by reporting issues, suggesting enhancements, or directly contributing to the code base by pull requests (PR). Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth contribution process.


Report bugs using APPFL GitHub’s Issue Tracker. A useful bug report has detail, background, and sample code. For example, try to include:

  • A quick summary and/or background.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    • Be specific!

    • Give sample code if you can.

  • What you expected would happen.

  • What actually happens.

  • Any additional information that could help us.

    • Why you think this might be happening.

    • Things you tried that didn’t work.

    • Etc.

Local Development and Pull Requests

When you want to develop appfl locally to create a pull request, you can follow the steps below to set up your development environment and test your changes before submitting a PR.

  1. Open an issue if necessary.

  • For small bugs, feel free to open a pull request directly.

  • For larger bugs or enhancements, please open an issue first. Having an associated issue makes it easier to track changes and discuss proposals before you get started.

  1. Clone the repository: Note: If you are an external contributor, you need to fork the repository and clone your fork.

git clone # Or your forked repository
pip install -e ".[dev,mpi,examples]"
  1. Create a new branch for your changes from the main branch.


We suggest naming your branch as developer_name/issue_number (e.g., zilinghan/issue42) if your pull request is addressing an open issue, or developer_name/feature_name-start_date (e.g., kibaek/mpi-2025-01-01) if you are working on a new feature.

git checkout -b my-branch-name
  1. Make your changes.

  • If you’ve added code that should be tested, add tests.

  • If you’ve changed APIs, update the documentation.

  1. Ensure the test suite passes and your code lints. We pre-commit to enforce code style and formatting. Here is how you can install it and run it: make sure your PR passes the pre-commit checks.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files
  1. Open the pull request on GitHub.