Example: SSL Encrypted gRPC Communication#

Generate SSL Certificates and Keys#


You need to have openssl installed on your machine to generate the SSL certificates and keys.

In this example, we show how to enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication between the FL server and the clients. APPFL provides a command line interface, appfl-setup-ssl, to generate the SSL certificates and keys for the server and the clients in the user-specific directory. The following block of code shows what information is needed to generate the SSL certificates and keys:

  • The absolute path of the directory where the SSL certificate and private key will be stored, by default they are stored in ~/.appfl/ssl.

  • Optional country code, state, organization. User can feel free to press Enter to use the default values.

  • The DNS and IP address of the server. By default, the DNS is set to localhost and the IP address is set to

$ appfl-setup-ssl

Enter the absolute path of the directory where the SSL certificate and private key will be stored, press Enter to use the default directory /home/.appfl/ssl:
Enter Country Code, press Enter to use default 'US':
Enter State, press Enter to use default 'Illinois':
Enter Organization (O), press Enter to use default 'APPFL':
Enter DNS (DNS.1), press Enter to use default 'localhost':
Enter IP, press Enter to use default '':
Certificate request self-signature ok
subject=C=US, ST=Illinois, O=APPFL, CN=localhost
SSL certificate stored in /home/.appfl/ssl/server.pem
SSL private key stored in /home/.appfl/ssl/server.key
CA certificate stored in  /home/.appfl/ssl/ca.crt
Please copy the CA certificate /home/.appfl/ssl/ca.crt to the client machines


When you create a server for distributed clients (i.e. not under the same network), you need to provide the DNS and public IP address of the server.

appfl-setup-ssl will generate three files needed for SSL encrypted gRPC communication in the specified directory (by default, ~/.appfl/ssl):

  • server.pem: SSL certificate for the server.

  • server.key: SSL private key for the server.

  • ca.crt: CA certificate for the server.


The server needs to provide the CA certificate to the clients. The clients need to copy the CA certificate to the client machines.

Server Configuration#

We use this server configuration file as an example to show how to modify the server configuration file to enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication. We need to modify the server_configs.comm_configs.grpc_configs field in the server configuration file to enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication as the following:

        server_uri: localhost:50051 # Make sure the server URI corresponds to the IP set in the SSL certificate
        max_message_size: 1048576
        use_ssl: True # Enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication
        server_certificate_key: "/home/.appfl/ssl/server.key" # Path to the server SSL private key
        server_certificate: "/home/.appfl/ssl/server.pem" # Path to the server SSL certificate
        ca_certificate: "/home.appfl/ssl/ca.crt" # Path to the CA certificate
        # Additional authentication configurations
        use_authenticator: True
        authenticator: "NaiveAuthenticator"
            auth_token: "A_SECRET_DEMO_TOKEN"

As shown in the example configuration above, we also provide additional token-based authentication configurations. APPFL provides a simple token-based authenticator, NaiveAuthenticator, to authenticate the clients. The server will only accept the clients that provide the correct token. The token is set in the auth_token field in the authenticator_args field.

Client Configuration#

We use this client configuration file as an example to show how to modify the client configuration file to enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication. We need to modify the comm_configs.grpc_configs field in the client configuration file to enable SSL encrypted gRPC communication as the following. It should be noted that the root_certificate field is the path to the ca.crt file shared by the server to verify the server’s SSL certificate. As for the authenticator configurations, the client should provide the same token as the server.

        server_uri: localhost:50051
        max_message_size: 1048576
        use_ssl: True
        root_certificate: "client_path/ca.crt"
        use_authenticator: True
        authenticator: "NaiveAuthenticator"
            auth_token: "A_SECRET_DEMO_TOKEN"

Run the Server and Clients#

After modifying the server and client configuration files, we can run the server and clients as usual. The server and clients will establish SSL encrypted gRPC communication. The above examples use localhost, so you can run the server and two clients on the same machine within three separate terminals.

$ cd examples
$ python grpc/run_server.py --config resources/configs/mnist/server_fedavg.yaml # [Terminal 1]
$ python grpc/run_client.py --config resources/configs/mnist/client_1.yaml      # [Terminal 2]
$ python grpc/run_client.py --config resources/configs/mnist/client_2.yaml      # [Terminal 3]