Check Experiment ResultsΒΆ
This page describes how the federation leader can check the results of federated learning experiments conducted under certain federation.
Currently, only the group leader of a certain federation can check the experiment results.
Log in to the web application by following the instructions.
You will be directed to a dashboard page after signing in. The dashboard lists your Federations and your Client. Specifically, federation refers to the FL group that you created, namely, you are the group leader who can start FL experiments and access the experiment results. Client refers to the FL group of which you are a member. The federation leader is also a client of his own federation by default.
Click the name of the federation for which you want to check the experiment results, which will lead you to the Group Information page.
Clients Information at the top of the page shows the information of the clients and the status of their computing resources (Globus Compute endpoints).
Experiment Information lists the information of all experiments conducted under this federation. For a certain experiment, click the Config icon to see the configurations for that experiment, click the Log icon to see the training log of the orchestration server, and click Report icon to see the generated report for the experiment.
You can delete certain experiments data by clicking the check boxes to the left of the experiment names, and you can click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.