Example: Using Weights & Biases


Weights & Biases (wandb) is a tool that helps you track your experiments. It’s a great tool to use with APPFL. In this example, we’ll show you how to use Weights & Biases with APPFL.

wandb Login

First, make sure you have a wandb account and login using the following command. For more information on how to login to wandb, please refer to the wandb documentation.

wandb login

Client Configurations for wandb

Each client and specify configurations for wandb in their client configuration yaml files. Here is an example of a client configuration file with wandb configurations.

client_id: Client1


  enable_wandb: True
  entity: <your_wandb_entity>
  project: appfl
  exp_name: appfl-mnist

The explanation of each configuration is as follows:

  • enable_wandb: A boolean value to enable or disable wandb.

  • entity: The entity name of the wandb project. If not specified, the default entity will be used.

  • project: The project name of the wandb project. If not specified, the default project will be used.

  • exp_name: The experiment name of the wandb project. If not specified, the default experiment name will be appfl.

Example Run

To run a serial example with wandb, you can use the following command. Make sure to change the corresponding wandb_configs in the client configuration yaml files for your wandb account.s

python ./serial/run_serial.py --num_clients 3 \
    --server_config ./resources/configs/mnist/server_fedavg.yaml \
    --client_config ./resources/configs/mnist/client_1_wandb.yaml

To run an MPI example with wandb, you can use the following command. Make sure to change the corresponding wandb_configs in the client configuration yaml files for your wandb account.

mpiexec -n 3 python ./mpi/run_mpi.py --server_config ./resources/configs/mnist/server_fedcompass.yaml \
    --client_config ./resources/configs/mnist/client_1_wandb.yaml