Example: Running APPFL using MONAI Bundle


This tutorial describes how to run federated learning experiments via APPFL using MONAI Bundles to leverage a collection of medical imaging models available in MONAI model zoo. This examples shows how to use MONAI Bundle to do 3D spleen CT segmentation using gRPC with two clients.


Acknowledgement: We extend our gratitude to the MONAI and NVFlare teams for their invaluable support and information throughout this tutorial. Specifically, this tutorial refers to the NVFlare-MONAI integration tutorial.


This tutorial is the beta version of the integration of MONAI Bundle with APPFL. The integration is still under active development.


User can install appfl and monai packages from appfl’s source code by running the following commands:

git clone --single-branch --branch main https://github.com/APPFL/APPFL.git
pip install -e ".[monai,examples]"

Download MONAI Bundle

We suggest user to download the bundle into the examples/resources/monai directory.

mkdir -p examples/resources/monai
cd examples/resources/monai

Then, download the spleen CT segmentation bundle from MONAI Bundle repository:

python3 -m monai.bundle download --name "spleen_ct_segmentation" --version "0.4.6" --bundle_dir ./${JOB_NAME}/app/config

Download Data

User can create a download_spleen_data.py script within the examples/resources/monai directory with the following content to download spleen CT data:

import argparse

from monai.apps.utils import download_and_extract

def download_spleen_dataset(filepath, output_dir):
    url = "https://msd-for-monai.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Task09_Spleen.tar"
    download_and_extract(url=url, filepath=filepath, output_dir=output_dir)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="the file path of the downloaded compressed file.",
        "--output_dir", "-o", type=str, help="target directory to save extracted files.", default="./data"
    args = parser.parse_args()
    download_spleen_dataset(args.filepath, args.output_dir)

Then, user can run the script to download the spleen CT data:

python download_spleen_dataset.py
sed -i "s|/workspace/data/Task09_Spleen|${PWD}/data/Task09_Spleen|g" ${JOB_NAME}/app/config/spleen_ct_segmentation/configs/train.json

Launch the server

User can launch the server in one terminal using the FedAvg algorithm by the following command:

cd examples
python grpc/run_server.py --config ./resources/configs/monai/server_fedavg.yaml


User can change to other federated learning algorithms by using other server configuration files in the ./resources/configs/monai directory.

Launch the clients

In the server configuration file, we specify that the number of clients is two, so we open two separate terminals to launch the clients:

cd examples
python grpc/run_client.py --config ./resources/configs/monai/client_1.yaml # terminal 1
python grpc/run_client.py --config ./resources/configs/monai/client_2.yaml # terminal 2

Experiment Results

A sample server log for the experiment is shown below:

appfl: [2025-01-19 04:04:05,174 server]: Logging to ./output/result_Server_2025-01-19-04-04-05.txt
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:07:00,973 server]: Received GetConfiguration request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:07:39,732 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:07:39,741 server]: Received the following meta data from Client1:
{'round': 1,
'val_accuracy': 0.9534343488656791,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.7170387863353559,
'val_mean_dice': 0.06496836245059967,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.03413229435682297}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:08:02,911 server]: Received GetConfiguration request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:08:44,316 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:08:44,319 server]: Received the following meta data from Client2:
{'round': 1,
'val_accuracy': 0.9544978111412874,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.7170388106327907,
'val_mean_dice': 0.06501330435276031,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.034132301807403564}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:01,715 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:01,717 server]: Received the following meta data from Client2:
{'round': 2,
'val_accuracy': 0.9604373494530939,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9539599266781169,
'val_mean_dice': 0.06739335507154465,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.06500281393527985}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:02,419 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:02,421 server]: Received the following meta data from Client1:
{'round': 2,
'val_accuracy': 0.9590474329176982,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9539599327524756,
'val_mean_dice': 0.06810087710618973,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.06500281393527985}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:18,915 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:18,916 server]: Received the following meta data from Client2:
{'round': 3,
'val_accuracy': 0.9941919290336074,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9597333312793902,
'val_mean_dice': 0.005374908447265625,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.06778988242149353}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:20,032 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:20,034 server]: Received the following meta data from Client1:
{'round': 3,
'val_accuracy': 0.9942095143020533,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9597333312793902,
'val_mean_dice': 0.005186689551919699,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.06778988242149353}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:36,668 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:36,670 server]: Received the following meta data from Client2:
{'round': 4,
'val_accuracy': 0.9946757274068845,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9941966548846786,
'val_mean_dice': 0.0,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.00541022839024663}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:37,791 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:37,793 server]: Received the following meta data from Client1:
{'round': 4,
'val_accuracy': 0.9946757091838083,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9941966548846786,
'val_mean_dice': 0.0,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.00541022839024663}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:53,942 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:53,944 server]: Received the following meta data from Client1:
{'round': 5,
'val_accuracy': 0.9708507136934122,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9946757274068845,
'val_mean_dice': 0.18941788375377655,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.0}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:56,546 server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:56,548 server]: Received the following meta data from Client2:
{'round': 5,
'val_accuracy': 0.9699774821093128,
'val_accuracy_before_train': 0.9946757274068845,
'val_mean_dice': 0.19541805982589722,
'val_mean_dice_before_train': 0.0}
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:56,649 server]: Received InvokeCustomAction close_connection request from client Client1
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:56,651 server]: Received InvokeCustomAction close_connection request from client Client2
appfl: [2025-01-19 04:09:57,537 server]: Terminating the server ...