FL Configurations

In this notebook, we will showcase how to load and set configurations for federated learning (FL) server and clients in order to launch FL experiments.

Load Configuration from a YAML File

APPFL employes OmegaConf package, a hierarchical configuration system, for loading configurations for FL server and clients from YAML files.

For example, examples/resources/configs/mnist/server_fedavg.yaml contains the server configurations for an FL experiment on the MNIST dataset using the FedAvg server aggregation algorithm.

As shown below, the configuration file is primarily composed of two main

  • client_configs

  • server_configs

Does it look a bit confusing that the server configuration file also contains client_configs at the initial look? This is because, in federated learning, we usually want certain client-side configurations to be the same among all the clients, for example, the local trainer and its corresponding hyperparameters, the ML model architecture, and the compression settings. Therefore, it becomes much more convenient to first specify all those settings and configurations on the server side to ensure uniformity, and then send those configurations to all clients at the beginning of the FL experiment.

from omegaconf import OmegaConf

server_config_file = "../../examples/resources/configs/mnist/server_fedavg.yaml"
server_config = OmegaConf.load(server_config_file)
print("============Level one configuration fields============")
for key in server_config:
print("============Detailed server configurations============")
============Level one configuration fields============
============Detailed server configurations============
    trainer: VanillaTrainer
    mode: step
    num_local_steps: 100
    optim: Adam
      lr: 0.001
    loss_fn_path: ./resources/loss/celoss.py
    loss_fn_name: CELoss
    do_validation: true
    do_pre_validation: true
    metric_path: ./resources/metric/acc.py
    metric_name: accuracy
    use_dp: false
    epsilon: 1
    clip_grad: false
    clip_value: 1
    clip_norm: 1
    train_batch_size: 64
    val_batch_size: 64
    train_data_shuffle: true
    val_data_shuffle: false
    model_path: ./resources/model/cnn.py
    model_name: CNN
      num_channel: 1
      num_classes: 10
      num_pixel: 28
      enable_compression: false
      lossy_compressor: SZ2Compressor
      lossless_compressor: blosc
      error_bounding_mode: REL
      error_bound: 0.001
      param_cutoff: 1024
  num_clients: 2
  scheduler: SyncScheduler
    same_init_model: true
  aggregator: FedAvgAggregator
    client_weights_mode: equal
  device: cpu
  num_global_epochs: 10
  logging_output_dirname: ./output
  logging_output_filename: result
      server_uri: localhost:50051
      max_message_size: 1048576
      use_ssl: false


Client Configurations

For client configurations that are shared among all clients, it is composed of three main components:

  • train_configs: This component contains all training-related configurations, which can be further classified into the following sub-components:

    • Trainer configurations: It should be noted that the required trainer configurations depend on the trainer you use. You can also define your own trainer with any additional configurations you need, and then provide those configurations under client_config.train_configs in the server configuration yaml file.

      • trainer: The class name of the trainer you would like to use for client local training. The trainer name should be defined in src/appfl/trainer. For example, VanillaTrainer simply updates the model for a certain number of epochs or batches.

      • mode: For VanillaTrainer, mode is a required configuration to with allowable values epoch or step to specify whether you want to train for a certain number of epochs or only a certain number of steps/batches.

      • num_local_steps/num_local_epochs: Number of steps (if mode=step) or epochs (if mode=epoch) for an FL client in each local training round.

      • optim: Name of the optimizer to use from the torch.optim module.

      • optim_args: Keyword arguments for the selected optimizer.

      • do_validation: Whether to perform client-side validation in each training round.

      • do_pre_validation: Whether to perform client-side validation prior to local training.

      • use_dp: Whether to use differential privacy.

      • epsilon, clip_grad, clip_value, clip_norm: Parameters used if differential privacy is enabled.

    • Loss function: To specify the loss function to use during local training, we provide two options:

      • Loss function from torch: By providing the name of the loss function available in torch.nn (e.g., CrossEntropyLoss) in loss_fn and corresponding arguments in loss_fn_kwargs, user can employ loss function available in PyTorch.

      • Loss function defined in local file: User can define their own loss function by inheriting nn.Module and defining its forward() function. Then the user needs to provide the path to the defined loss function file in loss_fn_path, and the class name of the defined loss function in loss_fn_name.

    • Metric function: To specify the metric function used during validation, user need to provide path to the file containing the metric function in metric_path and the name of the metric function in metric_name.

    • Dataloader settings: While the server-side configuration does not contain any information about each client’s local dataset, it can specify the configurations when converting the dataset to dataloader, such as the batch size and whether to shuffle.

  • model_configs: This component contains the definition of the machine learning model used in the FL experiment. The model architecture should be defined as a torch.nn.Module in a local file on the server-side and then provides the following information:

    • model_path: Path to the model definition file.

    • model_name: Class name of the defined model.

    • model_kwargs: Keyword arguments for initiating a model.

  • comm_configs: This component contains the settings for the communication between the FL server and clients, such as the compression_configs.

In addition to the client_configs contained in the server configuration YAML file, each client also needs its own client configuration YAML file to specify client-specific configurations, such as the device to use and the way to load the private local dataset. Let’s first take a look at the client-specific configuration.

  • client_id: This is the unique ID (among all clients in the FL experiments) used for logging purposes.

  • train_configs: This contains the device to use in training, and some logging configurations.

  • data_configs: This is the most important component in the client configuration file. It contains the path in client’s local machine to the file which defines how to load the local dataset (dataset_path), the name of the function in the file to load the dataset (dataset_name), and any keyword arguments if needed (dataset_kwargs).

  • comm_configs: The client may also need to specify some communication settings in order to connect to the server. For example, if the experiment uses gRPC as the communication method, then the client needs to specify the server_uri, max_message_size, and use_ssl to establish the connection to the server.

client_config_file = "../../examples/resources/configs/mnist/client_1.yaml"
client_config = OmegaConf.load(client_config_file)
client_id: Client1
  device: cpu
  logging_output_dirname: ./output
  logging_output_filename: result
  dataset_path: ./resources/dataset/mnist_dataset.py
  dataset_name: get_mnist
    num_clients: 2
    client_id: 0
    partition_strategy: class_noniid
    visualization: true
    output_dirname: ./output
    output_filename: visualization.pdf
    server_uri: localhost:50051
    max_message_size: 1048576
    use_ssl: false

Merging the general client configurations from the server configuration YAML file and the specific client configurations in the client configuration YAML file will give all we need for a client to conduct the FL experiment.

general_client_config = server_config.client_configs
all_client_config = OmegaConf.merge(general_client_config, client_config)
  trainer: VanillaTrainer
  mode: step
  num_local_steps: 100
  optim: Adam
    lr: 0.001
  loss_fn_path: ./resources/loss/celoss.py
  loss_fn_name: CELoss
  do_validation: true
  do_pre_validation: true
  metric_path: ./resources/metric/acc.py
  metric_name: accuracy
  use_dp: false
  epsilon: 1
  clip_grad: false
  clip_value: 1
  clip_norm: 1
  train_batch_size: 64
  val_batch_size: 64
  train_data_shuffle: true
  val_data_shuffle: false
  device: cpu
  logging_output_dirname: ./output
  logging_output_filename: result
  model_path: ./resources/model/cnn.py
  model_name: CNN
    num_channel: 1
    num_classes: 10
    num_pixel: 28
    enable_compression: false
    lossy_compressor: SZ2Compressor
    lossless_compressor: blosc
    error_bounding_mode: REL
    error_bound: 0.001
    param_cutoff: 1024
    server_uri: localhost:50051
    max_message_size: 1048576
    use_ssl: false
client_id: Client1
  dataset_path: ./resources/dataset/mnist_dataset.py
  dataset_name: get_mnist
    num_clients: 2
    client_id: 0
    partition_strategy: class_noniid
    visualization: true
    output_dirname: ./output
    output_filename: visualization.pdf

Server Configurations

Now, let’s take a look at what is needed for the configurations of FL server. Specifically, it contains the following key components:

  • Scheduler configurations: User can specify the name of the scheduler (scheduler), and the corresponding keyword arguments (scheduler_kwargs). All supported schedulers are available at src/appfl/scheduler.

  • Aggregator configurations: User can specify the name of the aggregator (aggregator), and the corresponding keyword arguments (aggregator_kwargs). All supported aggregators are available at src/appfl/aggregator.

num_clients: 2
scheduler: SyncScheduler
  same_init_model: true
aggregator: FedAvgAggregator
  client_weights_mode: equal
device: cpu
num_global_epochs: 10
logging_output_dirname: ./output
logging_output_filename: result
    server_uri: localhost:50051
    max_message_size: 1048576
    use_ssl: false