Example: Finetune a Vision Transformer model¶
aims to make the transition from centralized to federated learning (FL) as seamless as possible, and this tutorial will demonstrate how to finetune a Vision Transformer (ViT) model in federated settings using the APPFL
Centralized learning¶
In centralized learning, to train a machine learning model, we need a “trainer” that trains the model on a training dataset and evaluates it using an evaluation dataset. The key components of this process are the following:
Model: A machine learning model that we want to train.
Datasets: Datasets that contain the training and evaluation data.
Trainer: Algorithm that trains the model on the training dataset and evaluates it on the evaluation dataset, more specifically, its key components are:
Loss function for updating the model parameters.
Optimizer and its hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, momentum, etc.)
Metric function that measures the performance of the model.
Other hyperparameters (e.g., batch size, number of epochs/steps, etc.)
From centralized to federated learning¶
To move from centralized learning to federated learning, the following additional components are needed
Exchanged parameters: What parameters are exchanged between the server and clients for aggregation purposes.
Aggregation algorithms: How the parameters are aggregated.
Other hyperparameters (e.g., number of clients, number of communication rounds, etc.)
In addition, we need to consider how to efficiently configure the distributed training process. In APPFL
, we choose to use a server configuration YAML file to specify necessary server-specific configurations (e.g., aggregation algorithm, number of communication rounds, number of clients, etc.) as well as general client configurations that should be the same for all clients (e.g., model architecture, trainer, loss function, metric function, optimizer and its hyperparameters, batch size, number of local epochs/steps, etc.). All these general client configurations will be shared with all clients at the beginning of the training process.
As for clients, in addition to the configurations shared from the server, each client should have its own configuration YAML file to specify client-specific configurations (e.g., functions for loading local private datasets, device, logging settings, etc.).
FL server configurations¶
Server directory structure¶
Below shows the directory structure for the FL server.
├── resources
│ ├── vit.py # Model architecture
│ ├── metric.py # Metric function
│ └── vit_ft_trainer.py # Trainer
├── config.yaml # Server configuration file
└── run_server.py # Server launching script
Now let’s take a look at each file.
Model architecture, metric function, and trainer¶
The resources/vit.py
file contains a function that defines the ViT model architecture and freezes all layers except the last heads layer.
import torch
from torchvision.models import vit_b_16, ViT_B_16_Weights
def get_vit():
Return a pretrained ViT with all layers frozen except output head.
# Instantiate a pre-trained ViT-B on ImageNet
model = vit_b_16(weights=ViT_B_16_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1)
in_features = model.heads[-1].in_features
model.heads[-1] = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, 2)
# Disable gradients for everything
# Now enable just for output head
return model
The resources/metric.py
file contains the metric function that computes the accuracy of the model outputs.
import numpy as np
def accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
y_true and y_pred are both of type np.ndarray
y_true (N, d) where N is the size of the validation set, and d is the dimension of the label
y_pred (N, D) where N is the size of the validation set, and D is the output dimension of the ML model
if len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
y_pred = np.round(y_pred)
y_pred = y_pred.argmax(axis=1)
return 100 * np.sum(y_pred == y_true) / y_pred.shape[0]
The resources/vit_ft_trainer.py
file defines a trainer class for fine-tuning the ViT model. Specifically, it inherits the VanillaTrainer
class from the appfl.algorithm.trainer
module and overrides the get_parameters
and load_parametes
methods for only exchanging the heads layer parameters of the ViT model between the server and clients.
The VanillaTrainer
is a trainer class that trains a model using the specified optimizer and loss function for several epochs or steps (i.e. batches), evaluates it using the given metric function, and finally returns the whole set of model parameters for aggregation. It is a good starting point for building your own trainer class. For this fine-tuning example, we only need to override the get_parameters
and load_parameters
methods to exchange only the heads layer parameters of the ViT model.
from typing import Dict
from appfl.algorithm.trainer import VanillaTrainer
class ViTFineTuningTrainer(VanillaTrainer):
def get_parameters(self) -> Dict:
return {k: v.cpu() for k, v in self.model.heads.state_dict().items()}
def load_parameters(self, params: Dict):
self.model.heads.load_state_dict(params, strict=False)
Server configuration file¶
The config.yaml
is the server YAML configuration file, which contains both general client configurations (client_configs
) and server-specific configurations (server_configs
# General client configurations
# Local trainer
trainer: "ViTFineTuningTrainer"
trainer_path: "./resources/vit_ft_trainer.py"
mode: "step"
num_local_steps: 10
optim: "Adam"
lr: 0.001
weight_decay: 0.0
# Loss function
loss_fn: "CrossEntropyLoss"
# Client validation
do_validation: True
do_pre_validation: True
metric_path: "./resources/metric.py"
metric_name: "accuracy"
# Data loader
train_batch_size: 1
val_batch_size: 1
train_data_shuffle: True
val_data_shuffle: False
model_path: "./resources/vit.py"
model_name: "get_vit"
# Server specific configurations
num_clients: 1
aggregator: "FedAvgAggregator"
client_weights_mode: "equal"
scheduler: "SyncScheduler"
same_init_model: True
device: "cpu"
num_global_epochs: 10
logging_output_dirname: "./output"
logging_output_filename: "result"
server_uri: localhost:50051
max_message_size: 1048576
use_ssl: False
Here comes the line-by-line explanation of client_configs
: It contains all necessary configurations related to the local trainer.train_configs.trainer
: The name of the trainer class you want to use.train_configs.trainer_path
: The path to the file that defines the trainer class [Note: there is no need to specify this if you are using theVanillaTrainer
class provided by theAPPFL
: The mode of training, eitherepoch
, whereepoch
means, in each local training round, training the model for a fixed number of epochs, andstep
means training the model for a fixed number of steps.train_configs.num_local_steps
: The number of local steps for each client ifmode="step"
. [Note: Usenum_local_epochs
if you setmode="epoch"
: The optimizer name available in thetorch.optim
module to use for training.train_configs.optim_args
: The hyperparameters of the optimizer.train_configs.loss_fn
: The loss function name available in thetorch.nn
module to use for training. [Note: You can also use a custom loss function, refer here for instructions].train_configs.do_validation
: Whether the clients should perform validation after each local training round.train_configs.do_pre_validation
: Whether the clients should perform validation before each local training round (i.e., evaluate the received model parameters from the server).train_configs.metric_path
: The path to the file that defines the metric function [Note: see here for instructions on defining metric functions].train_configs.metric_name
: The name of the metric function you want to use.train_configs.train_batch_size
: The batch size for training.train_configs.val_batch_size
: The batch size for validation.train_configs.train_data_shuffle
: Whether to shuffle the training data.train_configs.val_data_shuffle
: Whether to shuffle the validation data.model_configs
: It contains necessary information to load the model from the definition file -model_path
is the absolute/relative path to the model definition file,model_name
is the name of the model definition function. [Note: You can also load the model from a class definition. For more information, refer here].
Here comes the line-by-line explanation of server_configs
: The name of the aggregation algorithm provided byAPPFL
you want to use. Please refer to here for the list of provided aggregators. This can also be a custom aggregation algorithm, in which case you need to provide the path to the file that defines the custom aggregation algorithm in theaggregator_path
: The hyperparameters of the aggregation algorithm. In this example,client_weights_mode='equal'
means that all clients have equal weights in the aggregation process, whileclient_weights_mode='sample_size'
means that the weights of the clients are proportional to the number of samples they have.server_configs.scheduler
: The name of the scheduling algorithm provided byAPPFL
you want to use. As FedAvg is a synchronous algorithm we set it to beSyncScheduler
here [Please refer to here for the list of provided schedulers].server_configs.scheduler_kwargs
: The hyperparameters of the scheduling algorithm.num_clients
tells the scheduler the total number of clients in the training process, andsame_init_model=True
ensures that all clients start with the same initial model parameters.server_configs.device
: The device on which the server should run.server_configs.num_global_epochs
: The number of FL global communication epochs.server_configs.logging_output_dirname
: The directory name where the server logs will be saved.server_configs.logging_output_filename
: The filename where the server logs will be saved.comm_configs.grpc_configs
: It contains necessary configurations for the gRPC communication process -server_uri
is the URI and port number where the server will be running,max_message_size
is the maximum size of each message, if the message size exceeds this value, the message will be automatically split into smaller messages,use_ssl
is a boolean value that determines whether to use SSL for communication.
To enable SSL communication, please check this tutorial for more details on how to generate SSL certificates for securing the gRPC connections.
Server launch script¶
Below is the server launch script that reads the server configuration file, initializes the server agent, creates a gRPC server communicator, and finally starts serving.
import argparse
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from appfl.agent import ServerAgent
from appfl.comm.grpc import GRPCServerCommunicator, serve
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default="config.yaml")
args = argparser.parse_args()
# Load the configuration file
server_agent_config = OmegaConf.load(args.config)
# Create a server agent
server_agent = ServerAgent(server_agent_config=server_agent_config)
# Create a GRPC communicator using the server agent
communicator = GRPCServerCommunicator(
# Start serving
serve(communicator, **server_agent_config.server_configs.comm_configs.grpc_configs)
User can run the server by executing the following command in a terminal:
python run_server.py
FL client configurations¶
Client directory structure¶
Below shows the directory structure for the FL client.
├── resources
│ └── vit_fake_dataset.py # Dataset loader
├── config.yaml # Client configuration file
└── run_client.py # Client launching script
Now let’s take a look at each file.
Dataset loader¶
The resources/vit_fake_dataset.py
file contains a function that generates a fake dataset for the client. In this example, we generate a fake dataset using the torch.utils.data.Dataset
class which randomly returns a 3x224x224 tensor input image and a binary label for each data sample.
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
class RandomImageDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, num_images=100, height=224, width=224, channels=3):
Initialize the dataset with the given parameters.
:param num_images: Number of random images.
:param height: Height of each image.
:param width: Width of each image.
:param channels: Number of channels (e.g., 3 for RGB).
self.num_images = num_images
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.channels = channels
# Pre-generate all images (optional, could generate on the fly in __getitem__)
self.images = torch.randn(num_images, channels, height, width)
self.labels = torch.randint(0, 2, (num_images,))
def __len__(self):
Return the total number of images in the dataset.
return self.num_images
def __getitem__(self, idx):
Retrieve an image by index.
:param idx: Index of the image to retrieve.
:return: Image tensor.
return self.images[idx], self.labels[idx]
def get_vit_fake_dataset():
Return a random training dataset and a random test dataset.
return RandomImageDataset(num_images=100), RandomImageDataset(num_images=10)
Client configuration file¶
The config.yaml
is the client YAML configuration file, which contains client-specific configurations, such as the information of the dataset loader function, device, logging settings, etc.
client_id: "Client1"
# Device
device: "cpu"
# Logging and outputs
logging_output_dirname: "./output"
logging_output_filename: "result"
# Local dataset
dataset_path: "./resources/vit_fake_dataset.py"
dataset_name: "get_vit_fake_dataset"
server_uri: localhost:50051
max_message_size: 1048576
use_ssl: False
Client launch script¶
Below is the client launch script. It reads the client configuration file to initialize a client agent and a gRPC client communicator. It then employs the client communicator sends various types of requests to the launched server to do federated learning:
The client first uses the communicator to request general client configurations from the server and loads them.
It then gets the initial global model parameters from the server.
It then starts the (local training + global aggregation) loop until receiving a “DONE” status flag from the server.
Finally, it sends a close_connection action to the server to close the connection.
import argparse
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from appfl.agent import ClientAgent
from appfl.comm.grpc import GRPCClientCommunicator
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default="config.yaml")
args = argparser.parse_args()
# Load the configuration file
client_agent_config = OmegaConf.load(args.config)
# Create the client agent and communicator
client_agent = ClientAgent(client_agent_config=client_agent_config)
client_communicator = GRPCClientCommunicator(
# Get general configurations from the server
client_config = client_communicator.get_configuration()
# Get the initial global model from the server
init_global_model = client_communicator.get_global_model(init_model=True)
# Local training loop
while True:
local_model = client_agent.get_parameters()
if isinstance(local_model, tuple):
local_model, meta_data_local = local_model[0], local_model[1]
meta_data_local = {}
new_global_model, metadata = client_communicator.update_global_model(
local_model, **meta_data_local
if metadata["status"] == "DONE":
# Close the connection
User can run the client by executing the following command:
python run_client.py
As in the provided server configuration, the num_clients
is set to 2, you need to run the client script twice in two separate terminals.
Result Logs¶
After running run_server.py
in one terminal, and run_client.py
in two separate terminals, you should see the following output in the server terminal:
[2024-09-01 14:58:20,081 INFO server]: Logging to ./output/result_Server_2024-09-01-14:58:20.txt
[2024-09-01 14:58:20,081 INFO server]: Setting seed value to 42
[2024-09-01 14:58:23,892 INFO server]: Received GetConfiguration request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:24,671 INFO server]: Received GetGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:27,148 INFO server]: Received GetConfiguration request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:27,899 INFO server]: Received GetGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:41,964 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:42,087 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:44,349 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:44,421 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:46,745 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:46,796 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:49,228 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:49,269 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:51,687 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:51,714 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:54,159 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:54,209 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:56,651 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:58:56,731 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:59,286 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:58:59,309 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:59:01,832 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:59:01,943 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:59:04,503 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
[2024-09-01 14:59:04,583 INFO server]: Received UpdateGlobalModel request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:59:04,585 INFO server]: Received InvokeCustomAction close_connection request from client 12e7104d-eeb9-4f22-a421-d4b4f8cdaa91
[2024-09-01 14:59:04,585 INFO server]: Received InvokeCustomAction close_connection request from client 0b5f9d48-10d3-4398-9e7b-485886399191
Terminating the server ...
And the following output in the client terminals:
[2024-09-01 14:58:27,005 INFO Client1]: Logging to ./output/result_Client1_2024-09-01-14:58:27.txt
[2024-09-01 14:58:39,355 INFO Client1]: Round Pre Val? Time Train Loss Train Accuracy Val Loss Val Accuracy
[2024-09-01 14:58:40,338 INFO Client1]: 0 Y 0.7158 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:41,871 INFO Client1]: 0 N 1.5323 0.0862 50.0000 0.6990 50.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:42,826 INFO Client1]: 1 Y 0.6316 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:44,299 INFO Client1]: 1 N 1.4725 0.0704 60.0000 1.4802 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:45,161 INFO Client1]: 2 Y 0.9973 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:46,721 INFO Client1]: 2 N 1.5584 0.0725 70.0000 1.0347 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:47,600 INFO Client1]: 3 Y 1.3194 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:49,204 INFO Client1]: 3 N 1.6029 0.1010 30.0000 0.6233 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:50,091 INFO Client1]: 4 Y 0.6168 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:51,694 INFO Client1]: 4 N 1.6034 0.0727 60.0000 0.9816 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:52,598 INFO Client1]: 5 Y 0.8828 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:54,189 INFO Client1]: 5 N 1.5906 0.0759 30.0000 0.7135 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:55,048 INFO Client1]: 6 Y 0.6543 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:56,708 INFO Client1]: 6 N 1.6591 0.0833 40.0000 0.7175 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:57,596 INFO Client1]: 7 Y 0.7486 30.0000
[2024-09-01 14:58:59,262 INFO Client1]: 7 N 1.6647 0.0673 60.0000 0.6146 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:59:00,216 INFO Client1]: 8 Y 0.6415 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:59:01,924 INFO Client1]: 8 N 1.7078 0.0775 40.0000 0.6073 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:59:02,819 INFO Client1]: 9 Y 0.6165 70.0000
[2024-09-01 14:59:04,483 INFO Client1]: 9 N 1.6634 0.0493 90.0000 1.0570 70.0000