Defining your server agentΒΆ


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When you need to have your server agent to have additional functionalities that is not provided by the current ServerAgent, you can create your own server agent by inheriting the appfl.agent.ServerAgent. To make the new functionalities available for the client to call, you need to modify appfl.comm.mpi.MPIServerCommunicator._invoke_custom_action function (for MPI) or appfl.comm.grpc.GRPCServerCommunicator.InvokeCustomAction, and make a call to your own functionalities with a corresponding action name.

For example, if I created a new server agent that has an additional functionality to do federated inference as below

class MyServerAgentWithFedInference(ServerAgent):
    def fl_inference(*args, **kwargs):

Then you can make this new function available for client by calling it in the custom action function in the corresponding communicators.

# For gRPC communicator
class GRPCServerCommunicator(GRPCCommunicatorServicer):
    def InvokeCustomAction(self, request, context):
        if action == 'set_sample_size':
        elif action == 'fl_inference':
            val = self.server_agent.fl_inference()

# For MPI communicator
class MPIServerCommunicator:
    def _invoke_custom_action(
        client_id: int,
        request: MPITaskRequest,
    ) -> Optional[MPITaskResponse]:
        if action == "set_sample_size":
        elif action == 'fl_inference':
            val = self.server_agent.fl_inference()